Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Walker Park Master Plan would actually require a lot more of the same dredging and filling that occurred as Aspen Ridge

If you have never actually studied the Walker Park Master Plan approved in 2008 by the City Council, you may be shocked by the content. If you happen to own some of the land in the area and enjoy living there, you may be horrified by the projections of ways to use your property.

Walker Park Master Plan as approved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Fayette Junction area has a good many hydric soils. Hydric soils are soils that don't drain well."
Indirect quote from one of the speakers at the Fayette Junction charette.

This makes it sound as though hydric soil is a problem to be dealt with. Actually, it is the key to preventing downstream flooding and should be protected at all costs. Keeping absorbent soil in place prevents runoff and erosion of the land and the stream banks.